Risk Assessments are Critical

Risk Assessment Matrices, and Why they are Important

A Risk Assessment Matrix is a method for companies to assess the anticipated frequency and severity of incidents (risks) to a system, process, facility, or group of people, then graphically present those risks. The graphical representation allows risk management professionals to see how addressing the potential severity or frequency of incidents will impact their placement,…

OSHA Regulates Workplace Health and Safety

What is Cal/OSHA?

What is Cal/OSHA? A few weeks ago, someone posed the question, “What is Cal/OSHA?”  My initial reaction was, “Doesn’t everyone know that?”  Then I thought about it, and it can be confusing.  There’s OSHA (Federal,) MIOSHA (Michigan), IOSHA (Indiana), Cal/OSHA, and 19 other state programs. So, what does that all mean?  Just what is OSHA,…

Risk assessments help companies improve.

What is a Risk Assessment?

We often hear about “Risk Assessments,” but what are they, actually?  Why are they important?  And why should they be completed independently? A Risk Assessment is a formal process that is used to identify hazards and risk factors that can have a negative impact on a business, operations, people and the environment.   This can be…

Office workers often experience physical pain

To Ball, or Not to Ball?

During my nearly 30-years as a practicing Ergonomist, I have performed thousands and thousands of office workstation assessments and encountered many unique, interesting, and frustrating situations. I was an undergraduate student in Industrial Engineering when the “kneeling chair” became popular.  The problem with it was that due to the position of the lower legs being…