ONSITE Ergonomics, Safety, and Industrial Hygiene Consulting Services

Does your company have ergonomics, safety, machine guarding, industrial hygiene, property protection, or other potential exposures?

QP3 ErgoSystems can help you identify and address your risks with our highly qualified and responsive team. Our experts have decades of experience identifying and helping clients address exposures in nearly every industry.  We can help you get started right away in virtually every area of need, from the very simple to the complex, with Ergonomics Assessments, Mock OSHA Inspections, Machine Guarding Assessments, Customized Training, and other services.

QP3 ErgoSystems offers onsite services customized to your needs.


Manufacturing, Food, Meat & Poultry Processing, Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Transportation, Distribution, Healthcare

Workplace Stress

Traditional Offices and Work-from-home

The 2018 MIPP Protects Hotel Housekeepers

Hotels, Restaurants, Entertainment, Travel & Tourism

QP3 ErgoSystems works with clients (onsite at their locations) in a myriad of industries, including manufacturing, processing, healthcare, hospitality, and office workspaces on a contract basis.


The diverse skill sets (Ergonomics, Safety, Industrial Hygiene, etc.) of the QP3 team provide clients with onsite, “one-stop” help, simplified vendor management, and geographic efficiency.

We  help our clients and business partners enhance their key business metrics through personal, customized services.


What we Do

Conduct workstation assessments to improve employee productivity and reduce the risk for injury

Provide material handling assessments to keep work within the abilities of your employees

Complete physical job demands analyses to help you return injured employees to work more quickly and safely

Facilitate customized workshops for employees, teams, engineers and other key employees

Provide Prevention through Design assistance with new equipment, process, and office designs

Conduct quantitative baseline analyses so you can measure—and share—your progress

Extended reaches hurt people--and profits!


Our Ergonomics team includes Certified Professional and Industrial Ergonomists (CPE’s and CIE’s), and other consultants skilled in Ergonomics assessments. Ergonomics services include onsite assessments for manufacturing, hospitality, healthcare transportation, distribution & logistics, construction, processing, services, and other industries.  We also offer the onsite-only, customized, and flexible full-length Effective Industrial Ergonomics™ course, and office ergonomics offerings that include remote video workstation assessments, onsite training, and personal workstation assessments. We also offer customized stretching and physical job demands analyses.


Our highly qualified and responsive team of experts helps clients address their property protection, life safety, and property conservation needs, from simple to complex operations. We can help in nearly all areas of exposure including HPR, builders natural hazards, construction fire insurance ratings, site security, disaster planning, and sprinkler system plan reviews

We go on-site and work with your architects and engineers to provide a consistent approach.


Our safety consultants are available to go onsite at clients of all types and sizes, including processing, manufacturing, hospitality, travel, and retail.  We are experts in the development of site-specific EHS programs including hazardous materials management, required regulatory training programs, behavior-based safety programs, and government compliance, including ergonomics standards in Minnesota and California.

Cal/OSHA Housekeeper MIPP, Ergonomics Standards for General Industry, and Mandatory IIPP Standards

The 2018 California OSHA Hotel Housekeeper Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention Program (MIPP) Standard

Introduction In January 2012, the hotel worker union UNITE HERE filed a petition with Cal/OSHA and requested a specific safety standard to protect hotel housekeepers. The request included a maximum requirement of cleaning 5,000 square feet of room space per eight-hour work shift, the use of fitted bottom sheets as a requirement, and the prohibition of working…

Summertime = More Ergonomics-Related Injuries and Illnesses

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the summer months of June, July and August have the most injuries resulting in days away from work. Of these cases, over 42-percent result from sprains, strains, tears, tendonitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS).  The average case cost of these is about $25,000. With summer rapidly approaching,…

Ergo Tuck Logo

QP3 ErgoSystems has proudly created a tool to help make a better bed!

With the Hospitality Industry in mind QP3 developed Ergo Tuck™ (Patent Pending) to streamline the bed making process, so beds get made better, faster and safer. Ease strain from lifting, reduce stress on the hands and fingers, and reduce the risk of accidental contact with used hypodermic needles and other hazardous objects.

“Integrating people, materials and equipment… to make companies better!”™