Have your employees received the necessary training to protect themselves, their families, and you?
Are you “Protecting the People Around You?” Are the people around you–protecting you?
Covid-19 has upended the way we all do business. Whether your industry is professional services, hospitality, manufacturing, or transportation & distribution, the world will never be the same.
Tens of millions of people have experienced working from home, and many millions will continue to do so. Millions more are preparing to return to the “new normal” of working in offices, hotels, manufacturing and processing facilities, retail outlets and restaurants and bars. A large number of transportation and distribution professionals will “keep on keeping on,” and will keep food and other necessities moving from farms and factories to warehouses, markets, and our homes and businesses.

Working from Home is fun. At first.
But what do we need to do going forward? Working from home is fun…until someone gets hurt! How do we safely go back to work? How do we do “social distancing,” and how do we wear our face coverings effectively?
At QP3 ErgoSystems LLC we have developed a series of online courses with our business partner CCMS with the theme of “Protecting the People Around Us” just for these reasons. Today on our platform Ergonomics Today, we launched “Covid-19 Face Covering and Social Distancing” training. This will soon be followed by our “Working from Home Office Ergonomics” course, then courses specifically for “Reopening and Ongoing Operations” along with Covid-19 specific training for “Employees, Visitors and Guests!”

Everyone can take our courses on a tablet, phone, or laptop computer.
For a limited time you can take our “Covid-19 Face Covering and Social Distancing” training at no cost. Please sign in at Ergonomics Today